Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Andrew Zimmern, Stop Judging Me!

It's not necessarily visible here -
But you can see it a little here -
And even though they seem to have attempted to airbrush it out of every last picture of the fucker, you can definitely start to make it out here.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with Andrew Zimmern's crazily sun-damaged head? For all of his haughty condescension, he seems to have neglected his own suffering pate which is has developed into an entirely different ethnicity from the rest of his body. Poor baby, right? WRONG-O!! Anyone who turns every meal into a macho tolerance contest (and no, it's not just about trying exotic tastes with this dude) needs some serious karmic payback. And for all the bullshit such concepts are, it nonetheless pleases this author greatly to imagine said celebrity food critic having balded and turned into a chubby hairless penguin as reparation for his hideous attitude towards food. For example, during one Halloween episode, he invites fans of his show to his home for a party for one of the aforementioned macho tolerance contests. A female Zimmern-o-phile doesn't exactly swoon over the mostly insect-based fare, and when she says that she isn't used to the taste of something, Zimmern condescendingly responds, "we say 'that's interesting'". Now perhaps I'm nitpicking, but if you invite fans of your show to you home, that's already crossing a line most celebrities that visible avoid like the plague for seemingly good reason. Beyond that, he then treats his guests as though they would have no other reason to be there than to take part in the fare his show covers, which would be a fine enough premise, were not every single one of these devotees obviously unprepared for such an endeavor. That said, most--if not all--rise to the occasion and manage to choke down some food that generally seems more or less nauseating par-for-the-course cuisine for his show.
Honestly, though, I may have my extreme tastes in music, but at least I don't go about forcing them on anyone or looking down on them for not attempting to see the world through my ears. Not every person's palette (or digestive system, in extreme cases) can tolerate exotic fare, and certain fears are better confronted in other ways (he's a food critic, not a therapist, for YHWH's sake!).

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